2022 Tzu Chi Manchester Spring Blessings Ceremony
Sat, 26 Feb
|Sycamore Room, The Heaton Centre

Time & Location
26 Feb 2022, 11:30 – 13:30
Sycamore Room, The Heaton Centre, The Heatons Centre, Thornfield Rd, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 3LD, UK
About the Event
Tzu Chi Manchester cordially invites all to this year's Spring Blessings Ceremony, held in the Sycamore Room, The Heaton Centre. This ceremony will review Tzu Chi impacts in 2021, both globally and in the UK. Here in Manchester, Tzu Chi has been serving the community for over ten years -- it wouldn't be possible without the generous support from the community and volunteers. This is our opportunity to say thank you and pass on the blessings from our Founder Dharma Master Cheng Yen.
As a tradition, we also celebrate the power of small -- "Bamboo bank" Coming Home, on this particular occasion, where a big collection will be performed. If you have received a coin bank from us and saved spare changes for donation, please bring it to the event.
Location and access
Public transportation:
- Heaton Chapel Railway Station: 30 minutes walk
- East Didsbury Metrolink: 25-30 minutes walk
- Bus: route 42A, stop Moorside Road; route 197, stop Moortop
By car
Free Parking; limited spaces
慈濟秉持大愛的精神走過五十六年,曼徹斯特慈濟人感恩長期護持慈濟志業的社區大德及志工。 慈濟曼徹斯特將舉辦「新春祝福感恩會」,誠摯邀請您闔家蒞臨,感受 證嚴上人與每一位慈濟志工的感恩及祝福。
活動當天將準備福慧紅包與您結善緣。藉此因緣,一起回顧 2021 年慈濟在全球與英國的菩薩足跡,
敬 頌
閤家平安 諸事如意
- Heaton Chapel Railway Station: 30 minutes walk
- East Didsbury Metrolink: 25-30 minutes walk
- Bus: 42A, 站名:Moorside Road; 197, 站名:Moortop