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Turkey Earthquake Relief, calling for love

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

At 4:17am local time on February 7, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake rattled southern Turkey and Syria, with tremors felt as far as Lebanon and Israel. With mass destruction and wintry conditions (including freezing temperatures), relief efforts are proving extremely complicated. The death toll, too, is rising.

To help, Tzu Chi volunteers from around the world are mobilizing their disaster response. Upon learning that many survivors left out in the cold are racing to purchase blankets to stay warm, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan, our global base, are expediting Tzu Chi eco-blankets preparation for shipment to and distribution in impacted cities in Turkey along with other basic supplies.

Locally, Tzu Chi Turkey volunteers are also preparing supermarket gift cards to distribute to survivors to help them purchase food and other basic necessities at nearby markets that have remained intact. While there’s no knowing how this disaster will continue to unfold, we know that at Tzu Chi UK there is more we can do to help.

As we prepare our disaster response to help survivors with their most immediate needs, reach into your heart and make a donation to our Turkey Earthquake Relief efforts. No amount is too little to make a difference.

Join us in sending hope to survivors of the Kahramanmaraş earthquake.

Donation channels:

2. Bank transfer: (gift aid declaration form)

BCR Tzu Chi Foundation

Sort code: 20-29-37 (Barclays)

Account: 50407402


(email for receipt details)


We pray daily at 19:15 UK time with the Tzu Chi Prayer Song for the earthquake appeal

top-left: Mr Frasal Hu, Lead of Tzu Chi Turkey, briefing on the earthquake situations.

top-right: Mr Hu and Mr Bo-Wen Chen (CEO of Tzu Chi Charity Foundation) led the donation call.

mid-left: Tzu Chi launches aid fundraising mid-right & bottom-left: Jing Si Sanga and Tzu Chi volunteers send prayers

bottom-right: Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan preparing relief blankets for shipment.

"二月六日清晨四點多,土耳其、敘利亞邊界,遭遇規模七點八強震。上一秒鐘、下一秒鐘,剎那瞬間的秒鐘之隔,人生就完全不一樣了。數萬人生命的死傷啊!多少萬棟建築物倒塌。餘震不斷,度日如年,不只是時間感覺難過,生命的驚嚇令人難安。土耳其、敘利亞強震後,受災民眾不僅自身難安,分秒間摯愛竟天人永隔,不知是在瓦礫中或脫困?多少人在睡夢中就離世。本來在人間就是很苦,災難發不出聲的哀號,一個形容是「心碎了」。值寒冬災區氣溫接近零度,盼慈濟愛的能量快速動員。"——證嚴上人開示法語, 二O二三年二月七日 志工早會


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